Apply for the Feira @ the Global Gathering!

You can now apply for the Global Gathering Feira, a 3-day social and networking festival space for digital rights defenders!

Where is it going to be?
Estoril, Portugal

When is it going to happen?
September 15, 16, 17

Apply for the Global Gathering Feira here:

The Feira Format and Activities

The Feira @ the Global Gathering (“Fair” in Portuguese) will be a 3-day social and networking festival for digital rights defenders, hosted in an idyllic outdoor space in Estoril, Portugal. Make sure to apply before April 7, 2023. (See below for details)

The Feira is designed to provide digital rights defenders (DRDs) with a rejuvenating space to reconnect, relax and host informal meetups and discussions, along with sun, food, music, local vendors, select project booths and other fun activities (did someone say karaoke?!). If you are interested in joining the Feira, this year your focus should be on networking and recharging your batteries with your colleagues.

Who Can Apply?

Anyone can apply. However, your application will go through a verification and approval process. If your application is approved, we will contact you no more than three weeks from the date of your submission.

How Many People Will You Be Accepting?

This year we will be accepting no more than 200 people for the Feira portion of the Global Gathering. (This number excludes the number of people already coming for the private Summit portion of the gathering).

The 2023 edition is a soft launch for us, and we have to be mindful of the number of people we can gather safely and securely. We will be looking at different factors, including the number of people from a specific region, demographic, projects / organizations, and other factors.

We expect to increase this number in 2024 and 2025.

What Should I Expect?

The Feira will have an unstructured format, offering space and limited coordination support for individuals to meet and self-organize. Some of the self-organized events will take place in the venue, and others will take place in the beautiful city of Estoril. Keep in mind, however, we will not be offering classrooms or private spaces - the venue is an open space.  Instead, you will be greeted with many facilities that allow you to sit together, enjoy the sun, and network / socialize. This includes numerous picnic tables, food vendors, and fun activities.

Please note, that simultaneously, there will be two other elements, which are being organized independently of the Feira. The first, is a private, invite-only Summit and the second are Satellite events, being organized by other organizations. Your application is only for the Feira, as each of these elements have their own processes for participation.

Important Things To Take Into Consideration Before You Apply…

  1. This year we do not have an Equity Fund as in prior years. This means that TCU will not be able to provide the same travel and accommodation support for individuals who will be joining the event. We are currently building the Equity Fund so that we can work toward a more inclusive event 2024.

  2. The Feira and the Summit will be held in a venue that, while it is not accessible to the general public, is 100% outdoors. We are doing this for several reasons, among which is that it will be a safer context to discourage the spread of disease, such as COVID. In addition, psychologically, it provides attendees with a more natural, relaxing environment. 

Have More Questions?

Will There Be a Code of Conduct?

As always, we will be implementing a Code of Conduct (CoC), which will be run by a CoC expert. This year, we will only be overseeing incidents that happen during the Feira and the Summit. We will be providing a therapist on-the-ground, as well as other well being-focused staffed members, who will be able to provide folks with support.

Can You Help Me With My Visa and / or Security?

We can definitely provide you with a Letter of Acceptance to help you with your visa process. In addition, we will have a staff member on hand who will be helping people that may have more challenging conditions to travel to Portugal. Having said that, keep in mind that the world has changed dramatically since COVID. Part of that change includes issues related to visas and border crossings. We will do our 200% best to support you, but we may encounter challenges that did not exist pre-pandemic. If you are accepted, we will provide you with information on how to start that support process.

Are There Opportunities for My Organization or Network to Collaborate?

This year we have minimized the involvement of partners, given the burnout epidemic we are witnessing in our community. We did not think it ethical to burden our folks with more work. Having said that, we do have partnership opportunities that may be worth investigating. If you are interested in learning more, email 

My Organization Would Like to Host a Satellite Event. What Should We Do?

If you would like to host an event during or around the dates of the Global Gathering, let us know by contacting us at  This allows us to better serve the community, as we receive numerous requests for information. 

Starting in 2024, we will be able to provide a similar level of support for satellite events as in previous years. However, for the 2023 Global Gathering, this support will be reduced. At a minimum, we will be able to help you think through the visa process, share our recommendations on local spaces and restaurants, and in some cases, offer select support in regards to logistics in the city. 

For events that are semi-public, meaning that they are open to all DRDs, we will gladly list them in the agenda and promote them among our Feira and Summit participants, as long as they agree to also implement a Code of Conduct process. We can gladly offer you consultation on how to do this well for your event(s). This year TCU will only be able to oversee Code of Conduct reports as they relate to incidents that happen during the Feira and Summit from September 15 - 17. 

The Beginning of a Beautiful Journey!

We are looking forward to our Global Gathering. We recognize this first trip may be a bumpy one as we kick-off in a new city with a new vision and format. We also recognize that we must continue working towards equity, which has been impacted by this long hiatus. If you are not able to attend this year’s event, it's okay! This is just the beginning of a beautiful new journey together.  :)


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February 2023 | Digital Rights Regional Briefs